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Zensa Numbing Cream 5%

Zensa Numbing Cream 5% - Biosense Clinic
$49.95 USD $62.95 USD 21 % OFF
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Active ingredient: lidocaine 5%

To desensitize skin for painful procedures including tattooing, laser hair removal, waxing, and injections.

No effect on ink – doesn’t include vasoconstrictors like prilocaine

Safe to use around sensitive areas (pH neutral)

Safe to reapply after skin has broken to extend numbing sensation


Apply about 30-45 minutes prior to procedure to achieve maximum results.

Wrap the area with an airtight dressing. This will allow a 50-80% greater absorption into the outermost layer of the cells in the skin.

If you have any question about this product, simply write us a few words below and our clinical pharmacist team will contact you right the way.

If you have any questions, Kindly complete the provided contact form, and a member of our clinical team will contact you within one business day.

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